How To Choose A Fund

Our funds are designed with the sole purpose of meeting your specific needs as an investor.


With so much uncertainty in life, if you don’t want any surprises from your investment, this is the space for you.


Choosing between chicken and beef is hard enough; choosing between equities, bonds, property and cash is even more challenging. We can do that for you.


Markets are going to go up and then they are going to go down – not necessarily in that order. If you want to track what they do at minimal cost, this is your space.

Gryphon Money Market Fund

It’s like having a piggy bank, but you don’t have to break it when you need your money.

Gryphon Prudential Fund

This fund does the heavy shifting of asset allocation for you, and is suitable for all retirement needs.

Gryphon All Share Tracker Fund

This low-cost fund tracks the performance of the All Share Index and invests in the local stock market on your behalf.

Gryphon Dividend Income Fund

This fund is for the investor who likes the idea of the piggy bank but also wants a tax-efficient income.

Gryphon Flexible Fund

With due cognisance of risk, this fund has the greatest impact on returns for investors at the lowest cost.

Gryphon Global Equity Fund

This low-cost fund tracks the performance of the MSCI World Index and invests in offshore stock markets on your behalf.

Gryphon Core Managed Fund

This fund offers broad market asset allocation and aims to deliver consistent market-related returns.

Why invest?

Rainy days, exotic holidays, fancy cars, fairy-tale weddings – for most of us, these things are not going to happen unless we make it happen. To do any of this, we need to have money saved to pay for it – debt quickly turns into a dream-stealer we need to avoid.

Different types of funds

  • Cash funds give you the most predictable return,
    but probably won’t surprise you on the upside.
  • Multi asset funds move your assets between classes
    on your behalf – much like a shock absorber.
  • Index trackers follow the markets, they’re cheap
    as chips and can be just as satisfying.

Which fund?

Understanding how comfortable you are with risk can lead you in the right direction.

Ask yourself:

  • How long can I leave the money without touching it?
  • How much can I afford to save every month?
  • Could I add lump sums now and again?
  • How twitchy will I get if my value goes down?

Tools ‘n things

Playing around with the numbers can help you understand our funds a little better and can go a long way in helping you make your investment decisions. You know what they say: “The best way to learn is to do”.

Now what?

You’ve made the commitment to save and decided on a fund – the hard part is over! Now for the paperwork. Don’t despair – it’s easier than getting a driver’s licence, and we are here to walk you through the process, from the beginning until the very end.

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